Dice Buzz su phonemax r4gt

Dice Buzz su phonemax r4gt

Blog Article

Per chi fosse interessato a questo smartphone rugged , può approfittare dell'oblazione momentanea ed acquistarlo direttamente dallo store protocollare Phonemax tramite questo link

Bestendigheid en weerstand: Gebou om strawwe toestande te weerstaan, voldoen die R4GT aan die hoogste standaarde van robuustheid, wat uithouvermoë Sopra uiterste omgewings verseker.

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03.2001 nie. XiaomiToday.it neem deel aan die Amazon EU en eBay Affiliate Program wat geaffilieerde programme is wat webwerwe toelaat om 'n advertensiekommissie te ontvang deur te adverteer en skakels na die Amazon.it en eBay-webwerwe te verskaf. As 'n Amazon- en eBay-medewerker verdien XiaomiToday.it uit kwalifiserende aankope.

The R4GT will try to make waves Per mezzo di the market as the world’s smallest rugged smartphone coming with both thermal imaging and night vision capabilities.

Termiese beelding: Hierdie kenmerk stel gebruikers Per mezzo di staat om hitte-handtekeninge in verskeie scenario's op te spoor, wat dit ideaal maak vir soek- en reddingsoperasies, natuurlewewaarneming en meer.

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Visjon ikke: Med avansert nattsynsteknologi gir R4GT klar synlighet under dårlige lysforhold, og forbedrer sikkerheten og funksjonaliteten under nattlige aktiviteter.

Night Vision: Equipped with advanced night vision technology, the R4GT enables clear visibility Sopra low-light conditions, enhancing safety and functionality during nighttime activities.

If it is true that the trend of compact smartphones is mainly linked to the past, there still exists a market niche that prefers small dimensions to the more popular bulky devices.

Hvis det er sant at trenden med kompakte smarttelefoner hovedsakelig er knyttet til fortiden, eksisterer det fortsatt en markedsnisje som foretrekker små dimensjoner fremfor de mer populære klumpete enhetene.

The problem with this picture is that the woman (and turtle) are at least 5m and probably more beneath the surface. This phone is only rated to remain waterproof to 1.5m, and taking it down to this depth would invariably ruin it.

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